Posters, Demos and Lightning Talks - Call for Participation
Posters and demos are an opportunity to present late-breaking results, prototypes not yet validated through user studies, research in early phases, and other research best presented in this open format. They are an excellent opportunity to discuss and reflect your work with the conference attendees. Posters and demos will be displayed at a dedicated session in the conference when poster and demo authors will be available to discuss and demonstrate their work.
Posters depict research, experiences, methods, or conceptual prototypes that can trigger reflection and discussion among conference attendees. A poster submission might be based on work-in-progress, a small chunk of completed work, or synthesis of previously published work. We also highly encourage design fictions, creative pieces, think pieces, provocations, and other outside-the-box short works to be presented as posters.
Demos can be platforms, hands-on methods, or devices which allow participants to reflect and interact with them. Submissions can be about - but are not limited to - digital platforms that support collective action; hands-on methods aimed to design for collaboration that can be tried out at the conference; or interactive installations/artifacts that emphasize collaboration or collective making. Demos can be static or itinerant. Interactions can be visual, tactile, sound-based.
Lightning Talks consist of a 3 minutes talk or “elevator speech” in a session at the conference followed by a networking opportunity with peers and colleagues in the same session. This is an additional opportunity for presenting authors, especially students and other junior colleagues to stimulate discussion and debate, to introduce provocative ideas, concepts, approaches or to present late breaking results.
Conference topics for posters, demos and lightning talks (but not restricted to):
- Theoretical, methodological, and/or conceptual contributions about key concepts relevant to CSCW and HCI, including critique.
- Social, behavioral, and computational studies of collaboration and communication.
- Technical architectures supporting collaboration.
- New tools/toolkits for collaborative technologies.
- Ethnographic studies of collaborative practices.
- Coordination and workflow technology.
- Social computing and contexts of collaboration.
- Current work in, and future visions of, practice-centered computing.
- Social justice, ethical dimensions, and related issues in CSCW, HCI, and/or sociotechnical systems.
- Online communities, including issues of privacy, identity, trust, and participation.
- Cooperative knowledge management.
- Algorithmic decision-support systems, automation, and human-AI collaboration.
- Civic technologies and their uses.
- Organizational issues of technology design, use, or adaptation.
- Strategies for use of technology in business, government, and newer forms of organizations.
- The ethical conduct of research studying group work and sociotechnical systems.
- Emerging technologies and their design, use, or appropriation in work, home, leisure, entertainment, or education.
- Learning at the workplace (CSCL at work, Technology-Enhanced Learning, TEL).
- Co-located and geographically-distributed teams, global collaboration.
- Cultural and cross-cultural collaboration and communication.
- Mobile and wearable technologies in collaboration.
- Innovative forms of human computer interaction for cooperative technologies.
Posters, Demos and Lightning Talks Submission Information
Submissions should include an extended abstract no longer than 4 pages, including all figures and references, in the single-column ACM Master Article Submission Template (the past editions landscape format is now deprecated. For reasons why, please check:
Authors can use the following links to find the template file that fit their prefered environment:
- Microsoft Word:
- LaTeX (Use sample-manuscript.tex for submissions):
- Overleaf (or search for ACM Conference Proceedings “Master” Template):
In addition, demo authors should submit the requirements in a separate text (.doc) document. Please think of the following questions and any other relevant ones:
- What do you need to run your demo?
- What are the technical requirements?
- What are the space/logistic requirements?
If your demo does not need any specific requirements, please let us know with the submission form.
The extended abstract should include author names and affiliations - these are not anonymous submissions. Upon acceptance, posters and demos authors will be asked to submit a Tabloid (A3 or 11 x 17 inches) sized placard to be displayed at the conference.Authors of accepted posters and demos have the choice to have their extended abstract published as part of the conference companion which will be available in the ACM Digital Library.
The final poster for display at the conference will be printed out by the participant in advance (standard A0, size 48 inches by 36 inches).
GROUP 2022/23 is using the Precision Conference System 2.0:
To submit, make a new submission to Society: "Group" > Conference/Journal: "Group 22/23" > Track: "Group 2022/23 Posters and Demos". Authors submitting papers for peer-review to ACM publications must comply with the SIGCHI Submission and Review Policy.
Posters, Demos and Lightning Talks selection process:
Contributions will be selected through single-blind peer review. Our review process will emphasize feasibility, quality, originality, and the capability to generate discussion (posters, lightning talks) and bring people together in a collective action (demos). We encourage submissions which will allow people to engage with the posters, demos and lightning talks during the conference in a collective manner.
Important dates:
- Submission deadline: 30 September 2022
- Notification of acceptance: 3rd October 2022
- Camera-ready and rights review form deadline: 7 October 2022
- Proof review deadline: 10 October 2022
- Conference in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA: 8-11 January 2023
For queries please contact the Posters, Demos and Lightning Talks co-chairs: Shion Guha and Matthieu Tixier
Please don’t hesitate to contact us: [email protected]
Demos, Posters and Lightning Talks CFP
All deadlines below are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth (AoE). September 12, 2022:
Resubmit Final Decisions
September 23, 2022:
Camera-Ready Papers Due to PCS
August 12, 2022:
Resubmit Contributions Invited for Revision
Additional CFPs
September 23, 2022:
Workshop Proposals Deadline
September 30, 2022:
Poster and Demos Deadline