Program Overview

Day Time Activity Paper Title Authors
SUNDAY 9:00 - 5:00 Doctoral Consortium

MONDAY 8:00 - 9:00 Breakfast (provided)
9:00 - 9:30 Opening Remarks
9:30 - 10:45 Paper Session 1: Chatbots, Virtual Agents, Collaboration
Chair: Adriana Vivacqua, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Paper Improving Non-Native Speakers’ Participation with an Automatic Agent in Multilingual Groups Xiaoyan Li, Naomi Yamashita, Wen Duan, Yoshinari Shirai, Susan Fussell
Design Fiction Kiro: A Design Fiction to Explore Social Conversation with Voice Assistants Ronda Ringfort-Felner, matthias Laschke, Shadan Sadeghian, Marc Hassenzahl
Paper Group Effect Aspects in Digitalisation Production Contexts: Articulation Spaces for Emerging Cooperation Challenges Aparecido Fabiano Pinatti de Carvalho, Sarah Reichel, Marcel Manuel Sanchez Martin, Eva Sona Allen, Marcus Schweitzer
Paper Working Together Apart through Embodiment: Engaging in Everyday Collaborative Activities in Social Virtual Reality Guo Freeman, Dane Acena, Nathan J. McNeese, Kelsea Schulenberg
10:45 - 11:15 Coffee Break
11:15 - 12:30 Paper Session 2: Safety & Trust
Chair: Scott McCrickard, Virginia Tech
Paper Foregrounding Women’s Safety in Social Matching and Dating Apps: Designs for a More Equitable User Experience Hanan Khalid Aljasim, Douglas Zytko
Note Dating Apps Are Used for More Than Dating: How Users Disclose and Detect (Non-)Sexual Interest in People-Nearby Applications Douglas Zytko, Nicholas Mullins, Shelnesha Taylor, Richard Holler
Paper By the Crowd and for the Crowd: Perceived Utility and Willingness to Contribute to Trustworthiness Indicators on Social Media Sukeshini Grandhi, Linda Plotnick, Starr Roxanne Hiltz
Paper Let's Think Together! Assessing Shared Mental Models, Performance, and Trust in Human-Agent Teams Beau G Schelble, Christopher Flathmann, Nathan McNeese, Guo Freeman, Rohit Mallick
MONDAY 12:30 - 2:00 Lunch (on your own)
2:00 - 3:20 Paper Session 3: Health A
Chair: Matthieu Tixier, Troyes University of Technology
Paper Protecting Personal Health Data through Privacy Awareness: A study of perceived data privacy among people with chronic or long-term illness Melanie Duckert, Louise Barkhuus
Paper Do I Spit or Do I Pass? Perceived Privacy and Security Concerns of Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing Sukeshini Grandhi, Linda Plotnick
Paper "That's Something for Children": An Ethnographic Study of Attitudes and Practices of Care Attendants and Nursing Home Residents Towards Robotic Pets Richard Paluch, Claudia Müller
Paper Pivoting an MCI Empowerment Program to Online Engagement Elizabeth D Mynatt, Kayci Vickers, Salimah LaForce, Sarah Farmer, Jeremy Johnson, Matthew Doiron, Aparna Ramesh, Brad Fain, Tamara Zubatiy, Amy Rodriguez
3:20 - 3:45 Coffee Break
3:45 - 5:00 Paper Session 4: Workplace
Chair: Barry Brown, Stockholm University / University of Copenhagen
Paper “It’s just like doing meditation”: Making at a Community Men’s Shed Dhaval Vyas, Diogo Quenal
Paper Characterizing Work-Life for Information Work on Mars: A Design Fiction for the New Future of Work on Earth Rhema Linder, Chase Hunter, Jacob McLemore, Senjuti Dutta, Fatema Akbar, Ted Grover, Thomas Breideband, Judith W. Borghouts, Yuwen Lu, Gloria Mark, Ausin Henley, Alex Williams
Note Alerts as Coordination Mechanisms: Implications for Designing Alerts for Multidisciplinary and Shared Decision Making Angela Mastrianni, Lynn Almengor, Aleksandra Sarcevic
Paper Working with Wolt: An Ethnographic Study of Lenient Algorithmic Management on a Food Delivery Platform Kalle Kusk, Claus Bossen
5:00 - 6:00 Break
6:00 - 8:00 Poster Session

TUESDAY 9:00 - 10:30 Papers Session 5: Policy and Online Communities A
Chair: Myriam Lewkowicz, Troyes University of Technology
Paper Cultivating the Community: Inferring Influence Within Eating Disorder Networks on Twitter Fayika Farhat Nova, Amanda Coupe, Elizabeth Mynatt, Shion Guha, Jessica Pater
Design Fiction The Stoop: A Fictional Study on How to Actually Design Digital Spaces for Black Communities Online Shamika Klassen, Casey Fiesler
Paper Building a Pillowfort: Political Tensions in Platform Design and Policy Brianna Dym, Namita Pasupuleti, Casey Fiesler
Paper The TL;DR Charter: Speculatively Demystifying Privacy Policy Documents and Terms Agreements Lindah Kotut, D. Scott McCrickard
Design Fiction No Humans Here: Ethical Speculation on Public Data, Unintended Consequences, and the Limits of Institutional Review Jessica Pater, Casey Fiesler, Michael Zimmer
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:00 Papers Session 6: Human/AI Interaction, Robotics, Workplace A
Chair: Lionel Robert, University of Michigan
Note The Computational Thematic Analysis Toolkit Robert P Gauthier, James Wallace
Paper Explaining Why Fake Photos are Fake: Does It Work? Margie Ruffin, Gang Wang, Kirill Levchenko
Paper Explanation Strategies as an Empirical-Analytical Lens for Socio-Technical Contextualization of Machine Learning Interpretability Jesse Josua Benjamin, Christoph Kinkeldey, Claudia Müller-Birn, Tim Kojakow, Eva-Maria Herbst
Paper Designing motion: Lessons for self-driving and robotic motion from human traffic interaction Barry Brown, Eric Laurier, Erik Vinkhuyzen
12:00 - 2:00 Lunch (on your own)
2:00 - 3:15 Papers Session 7: Methods & Online Communities B
Chair: Jessica Pater, Parkview Research Center
Paper Agency and Amplification: A Comparison of Manual and Computational Thematic Analyses by Public Health Researchers Robert P Gauthier, Catherine Pelletier, Laurie-Ann Carrier, Maude Dionne, Eve Dube, Samantha Meyer, James R. Wallace
Paper Adapting Ethical Sensitivity as a Construct to Study Technology Design Teams Karen L Boyd, Katie Shilton
Note Who Moderates on Twitch and What Do They Do? Quantifying Practices in Community Moderation on Twitch Joseph Seering, Sanjay Ram Kairam
Paper How to Tame “Your” Algorithm: LGBTQ+ Users' Domestication of TikTok Ellen Simpson, Andrew Hamann, Bryan Semaan
3:15 - 3:45 Coffee Break
3:45 - 5:00 Paper Session 8: Health B
Chair: Guo Freeman, Clemson University
Paper Twitch Users’ Motivations and Practices During Community Mental Health Discussions Jirassaya Uttarapong, Nina LaMastra, Reesha Gandhi, Yu-hao Lee, Chien Wen (Tina) Yuan, Donghee Yvette Wohn
Paper Topophilia, Placemaking, and Boundary Work: Exploring the Psycho-Social Impact of the COVID-19 Work-From-Home Experience Janghee Cho, Samuel Beck, Stephen Voida
Note Considering the artifact ecology when supporting the evolution of practices – analyzing the parallel journeys of two teleconsultation software in a general hospital Clément Cormi, Khuloud Abou-Amsha, Matthieu tixier, Myriam Lewkowicz
Paper Communication Channels and their Challenges: an Analysis of Software Development Teams during the COVID-19 Pandemic Adriano Neves de Souza, Sirius Thadeu Ferreira da Silva, Juliana França, Angelica Dias, Jonice Oliveira, Adriana S Vivacqua
5:00 - 6:00 Townhall Meeting
6:00 - 6:30 Break
6:30 - 8:00 Conference Banquet

WEDNESDAY 9:00 - 10:40 Papers Session 9: Societal
Chair: Brianna Dym, University of Maine
Paper Data as a Lens for Understanding what Constitutes Credibility in Asylum Decision-making Trine Rask Nielsen, Naja Holten Møller
Paper Towards a conceptual framework for understanding the challenges in refugee re-settlement Asam Hamed Abbas Almohamed, Reem talhouk, Dhaval Vyas
Paper Design justice in practice: community led design of an online maker space for refugee and migrant women Sonali Hedditch, Dhaval Vyas
Paper Looking past the miracle box: an exploration of tools and practices along the e-waste value chain in Ghana Anne Weibert, Sandra Juliet Ahiataku, Godson Rashid Dawuni, Konstantin Aal, Kaoru Misaki, Volker Wulf
Paper Designing for Engaging with News using Moral Framing towards Bridging Ideological Divides Jessica Z Wang, Amy X. Zhang, David R Karger
10:40 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:00 Papers Session 10: Education
Chair: Doug Zytko, Oakland University
Paper HoloMentor: Enabling Remote Instruction through Augmented Reality Mobile Views Jwawon Seo, Ignacio Avellino, Damaruka Priya Rajasagi, Anita Komlodi, Helena Mentis
Paper Toward Video-Conferencing Tools for Hands-On Activities in Online Teaching Audrey Labrie, Terrance Mok, Anthony Tang, Michelle Lui, Lora Oehlberg, Lev Poretski
Paper Understanding the Effects of Structured Note-taking Systems for Video-based Learners in Individual and Social Learning Contexts Jingchao Fang, Yanhao Wang, Chi-Lan Yang, Ching Liu, Hao-Chuan Wang
12:00 - 12:30 Concluding Remarks

REMOTE Breaks and Poster Session Remote Presentations:
Paper How teams communicate about the quality of ML models: A case study at an international technology company Jumana Almahmoud, Robert DeLine, Steven M. Drucker
Paper Duty to Respond: The Challenges Social Service Providers Face When Charged With Keeping Youth Safe Online Xavier V Caddle, Nurun Naher, Zachary P Miller, Karla Badillo-Urquiola, Pamela Wisniewski
Paper “I felt a little crazy following a ‘doll’”: Investigating How Virtual Influencers Garner Real Influence Abhinav Choudhry, Yun Huang, Xiaoyu Xu
Paper Access Under Duress: Pandemic-Era Lessons on Digital Participation, Control, and Datafication in Civic Engagement Bonnie Fan, Sarah Fox
Paper Fostering Communication: Characterizing the Concerns of Former Foster Youth in an Online Community John Fowler, Mark Zachry, David W. McDonald
Paper Community acknowledgment: engaging community members in volunteer acknowledgment Fanlu Gui, Chun-Hua Tsai, John M. Carroll
Paper Black Lives, Green Books, and Blue Checks: Connecting the Content of the Negro Motorist Green Book to the Conversations on Black Twitter Shamika Klassen, Sara Kingsley, Kalyn McCall, Joy Weinberg, Casey Fiesler
Paper Making Community Beliefs and Capacities Visible Through Care-mongering During COVID-19 Tiffany Knearem, Jeongwon Jo, Chun-Hua Tsai, John M. Carroll
Paper HC-COVID: A Hierarchical Crowdsource Knowledge Graph Approach to Explainable COVID-19 Misinformation Detection Ziyi Kou, Lanyu Shang, Yang Zhang, Dong Wang
Paper Processes of Proliferation: Impact Beyond Scaling in Sharing and Collaborative Economies Airi Lampinen, Ann Light, Chiara Rossitto, Anton Fedosov, Chiara Bassetti, Aniko Bernat, Penny Travlou, Gabriela Avram
Paper Integrating Real-Time and Non-Real-Time Collaborative Programming: Workflow, Techniques, and Prototypes Yifan Ma, Batu Qi, Wenhua Xu, Mingjie Wang, Bowen Du, Hongfei Fan
Paper Bridging Community, History, and Culture in Personal Informatics Tools: Insights from an Existing Community-Based Heart Health Intervention for Black Americans Aqueasha Martin-Hammond, Tanjala S. Purnell
Note Studying Up Machine Learning Data: Why Talk About Bias When We Mean Power? Milagros Miceli, Julian Posada, Tianling Yang
Paper Exploring norm violations and norm management in collocated synchronous communication Matti Nelimarkka, Antti Salovaara, Giulio Jacucci
Paper Does Social Presence of Conversational Agents Increase Perceived Competence? Introducing Conversational Agents Into Advice Giving Damaris Schmid, Dario Staehelin, Andreas Bucher, Mateusz Dolata, Gerhard Schwabe
Paper Evaluating the Social Media Profiles of Online Harassers Sarita Schoenebeck, Yu Yin Shen, Jill Davidson
Note Auditing Risk Prediction of Long-Term Unemployment Cathrine F. Seidelin, Therese Moreau, Irina Shklovski, Naja Holten Møller
Paper Who as a Choice?: Survey-Based Predictors of Volitionality in Facebook Use and Non-use Patrick Skeba, Devansh Saxena, Shion Guha, Eric P.S. Baumer
Design Fiction A Patent Application for NEXTGEN Flood Early Warning System Robert Soden, Nicolas James LaLone, Dharma Dailey
Paper Exploring Crowdworkers’ Identity, Perception and Practices in Micro-Task Crowdsourcing Yuling Sun, Xiaojuan Ma, Kai Ye, Liang He
Paper Distance Matters to Weak Ties: Exploring How Workers Perceive Their Strongly- and Weakly-Connected Collaborators in Remote Workplaces Chi-Lan Yang, Naomi Yamashita, Hideaki Kuzoka, Hao-Chuan Wang, Eureka Foong
Paper Analyzing the Effectiveness of an Extensible Virtual Moderator Aadesh Bagmar, Kevin Hogan, Dalia Shalaby, James Purtilo
Paper Collaborative behavior and winning challenges in Competitive Software Crowdsourcing Leticia Santos Machado, Ricardo Rodrigo M. Melo, Cleidson R. B. de Souza, Rafael Prikladnicki
Paper Can Workplace Tracking Ever Empower? Collective Sensemaking for the Responsible Use of Sensor Data at Work Naja Holten Møller, Gina Neff, Jakob Simonsen, Jonas Christoffer Villumsen, Pernille Bjørn
Paper MIA: Motivational Interviewing Agent for Improving Conversational Skills in Remote Group Discussions Samiha Samrose, Ehsan Hoque
Paper Investigating the Use of Head Mounted Devices for Remote Cooperation and Guidance during the Treatment of Wounds Marc Janßen, Michael Prilla
Paper Situated scaffolding for sustainable participatory design: Learning Online with Older Adults Katerina Cerna, Claudia Müller, Dave Randall, Martin Hunker
Paper Tech Worker Perspectives on Considering the Interpersonal Implications of Communication Technologies Elena Maris, Kelly Wagman, Rachel Bergmann, Danielle Bragg
9:00 - 5:00
Doctoral Consortium
8:00 - 9:00
Breakfast (provided)
9:00 - 9:30
Opening Remarks
9:30 - 10:45
Paper Session 1: Chatbots, Virtual Agents, Collaboration
Chair: Adriana Vivacqua (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
Paper: Improving Non-Native Speakers’ Participation with an Automatic Agent in Multilingual Groups
Xiaoyan Li, Naomi Yamashita, Wen Duan, Yoshinari Shirai, Susan Fussell
Design Fiction: Kiro: A Design Fiction to Explore Social Conversation with Voice Assistants
Ronda Ringfort-Felner, matthias Laschke, Shadan Sadeghian, Marc Hassenzahl
Paper: Group Effect Aspects in Digitalisation Production Contexts: Articulation Spaces for Emerging Cooperation Challenges
Aparecido Fabiano Pinatti de Carvalho, Sarah Reichel, Marcel Manuel Sanchez Martin, Eva Sona Allen, Marcus Schweitzer
Paper: Working Together Apart through Embodiment: Engaging in Everyday Collaborative Activities in Social Virtual Reality
Guo Freeman, Dane Acena, Nathan J. McNeese, Kelsea Schulenberg
10:45 - 11:15
Coffee Break
11:15 - 12:30
Paper Session 2: Safety & Trust
Chair: Scott McCrickard (Virginia Tech)
Paper: Foregrounding Women’s Safety in Social Matching and Dating Apps: Designs for a More Equitable User Experience
Hanan Khalid Aljasim, Douglas Zytko
Note: Dating Apps Are Used for More Than Dating: How Users Disclose and Detect (Non-)Sexual Interest in People-Nearby Applications
Douglas Zytko, Nicholas Mullins, Shelnesha Taylor, Richard Holler
Paper: By the Crowd and for the Crowd: Perceived Utility and Willingness to Contribute to Trustworthiness Indicators on Social Media
Sukeshini Grandhi, Linda Plotnick, Starr Roxanne Hiltz
Paper: Let's Think Together! Assessing Shared Mental Models, Performance, and Trust in Human-Agent Teams
Beau G Schelble, Christopher Flathmann, Nathan McNeese, Guo Freeman, Rohit Mallick
12:30 - 2:00
Lunch (on your own)
2:00 - 3:20
Paper Session 3: Health A
Chair: Matthieu Tixier (Troyes University of Technology)
Paper: Protecting Personal Health Data through Privacy Awareness: A study of perceived data privacy among people with chronic or long-term illness
Melanie Duckert, Louise Barkhuus
Paper: Do I Spit or Do I Pass? Perceived Privacy and Security Concerns of Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing
Sukeshini Grandhi, Linda Plotnick
Paper: "That's Something for Children": An Ethnographic Study of Attitudes and Practices of Care Attendants and Nursing Home Residents Towards Robotic Pets
Richard Paluch, Claudia Müller
Paper: Pivoting an MCI Empowerment Program to Online Engagement
Elizabeth D Mynatt, Kayci Vickers, Salimah LaForce, Sarah Farmer, Jeremy Johnson, Matthew Doiron, Aparna Ramesh, Brad Fain, Tamara Zubatiy, Amy Rodriguez
3:20 - 3:45
Coffee Break
3:45 - 5:00
Paper Session 4: Workplace
Chair: Barry Brown (Stockholm University / University of Copenhagen)
Paper: “It’s just like doing meditation”: Making at a Community Men’s Shed
Dhaval Vyas, Diogo Quenal
Paper: Characterizing Work-Life for Information Work on Mars: A Design Fiction for the New Future of Work on Earth
Rhema Linder, Chase Hunter, Jacob McLemore, Senjuti Dutta, Fatema Akbar, Ted Grover, Thomas Breideband, Judith W. Borghouts, Yuwen Lu, Gloria Mark, Ausin Henley, Alex Williams
Note: Alerts as Coordination Mechanisms: Implications for Designing Alerts for Multidisciplinary and Shared Decision Making
Angela Mastrianni, Lynn Almengor, Aleksandra Sarcevic
Paper: Working with Wolt: An Ethnographic Study of Lenient Algorithmic Management on a Food Delivery Platform
Kalle Kusk, Claus Bossen
5:00 - 6:00
6:00 - 8:00
Poster Session
9:00 - 10:30
Paper Session 5: Policy and Online Communities A
Chair: Myriam Lewkowicz (Troyes University of Technology)
Paper: Cultivating the Community: Inferring Influence Within Eating Disorder Networks on Twitter
Fayika Farhat Nova, Amanda Coupe, Elizabeth Mynatt, Shion Guha, Jessica Pater
Design Fiction: The Stoop: A Fictional Study on How to Actually Design Digital Spaces for Black Communities Online
Shamika Klassen, Casey Fiesler
Paper: Building a Pillowfort: Political Tensions in Platform Design and Policy
Brianna Dym, Namita Pasupuleti, Casey Fiesler
Paper: The TL;DR Charter: Speculatively Demystifying Privacy Policy Documents and Terms Agreements
Lindah Kotut, D. Scott McCrickard
Design Fiction: No Humans Here: Ethical Speculation on Public Data, Unintended Consequences, and the Limits of Institutional Review
Jessica Pater, Casey Fiesler, Michael Zimmer
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:00
Paper Session 6: Human/AI Interaction, Robotics, Workplace A
Chair: Lionel Robert (University of Michigan)
Note: The Computational Thematic Analysis Toolkit
Robert P Gauthier, James Wallace
Paper: Explaining Why Fake Photos are Fake: Does It Work?
Margie Ruffin, Gang Wang, Kirill Levchenko
Paper: Explanation Strategies as an Empirical-Analytical Lens for Socio-Technical Contextualization of Machine Learning Interpretability
Jesse Josua Benjamin, Christoph Kinkeldey, Claudia Müller-Birn, Tim Kojakow, Eva-Maria Herbst
Paper: Designing motion: Lessons for self-driving and robotic motion from human traffic interaction
Barry Brown, Eric Laurier, Erik Vinkhuyzen
12:00 - 2:00
Lunch (on your own)
2:00 - 3:15
Paper Session 7: Methods & Online Communities B
Chair: Jessica Pater (Parkview Research Center)
Paper: Agency and Amplification: A Comparison of Manual and Computational Thematic Analyses by Public Health Researchers
Robert P Gauthier, Catherine Pelletier, Laurie-Ann Carrier, Maude Dionne, Eve Dube, Samantha Meyer, James R. Wallace
Paper: Adapting Ethical Sensitivity as a Construct to Study Technology Design Teams
Karen L Boyd, Katie Shilton
Note: Who Moderates on Twitch and What Do They Do? Quantifying Practices in Community Moderation on Twitch
Joseph Seering, Sanjay Ram Kairam
Paper: How to Tame “Your” Algorithm: LGBTQ+ Users' Domestication of TikTok
Ellen Simpson, Andrew Hamann, Bryan Semaan
3:15 - 3:45
Coffee Break
3:45 - 5:00
Paper Session 8: Health B
Chair: Guo Freeman (Clemson University)
Paper: Twitch Users’ Motivations and Practices During Community Mental Health Discussions
Jirassaya Uttarapong, Nina LaMastra, Reesha Gandhi, Yu-hao Lee, Chien Wen (Tina) Yuan, Donghee Yvette Wohn
Paper: Topophilia, Placemaking, and Boundary Work: Exploring the Psycho-Social Impact of the COVID-19 Work-From-Home Experience
Janghee Cho, Samuel Beck, Stephen Voida
Note: Considering the artifact ecology when supporting the evolution of practices – analyzing the parallel journeys of two teleconsultation software in a general hospital
Clément Cormi, Khuloud Abou-Amsha, Matthieu tixier, Myriam Lewkowicz
Paper: Communication Channels and their Challenges: an Analysis of Software Development Teams during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Adriano Neves de Souza, Sirius Thadeu Ferreira da Silva, Juliana França, Angelica Dias, Jonice Oliveira, Adriana S Vivacqua
5:00 - 6:00
Townhall Meeting
6:00 - 6:30
6:30 - 8:00
Conference Banquet
9:00 - 10:40
Paper Session 9: Societal
Chair: Brianna Dym (University of Maine)
Paper: Data as a Lens for Understanding what Constitutes Credibility in Asylum Decision-making
Trine Rask Nielsen, Naja Holten Møller
Paper: Towards a conceptual framework for understanding the challenges in refugee re-settlement
Asam Hamed Abbas Almohamed, Reem talhouk, Dhaval Vyas
Paper: Design justice in practice: community led design of an online maker space for refugee and migrant women
Sonali Hedditch, Dhaval Vyas
Paper: Looking past the miracle box: an exploration of tools and practices along the e-waste value chain in Ghana
Anne Weibert, Sandra Juliet Ahiataku, Godson Rashid Dawuni, Konstantin Aal, Kaoru Misaki, Volker Wulf
Paper: Designing for Engaging with News using Moral Framing towards Bridging Ideological Divides
Jessica Z Wang, Amy X. Zhang, David R Karger
10:40 - 11:00
Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:00
Paper Session 10: Education
Chair: Doug Zytko (Oakland University)
Paper: HoloMentor: Enabling Remote Instruction through Augmented Reality Mobile Views
Jwawon Seo, Ignacio Avellino, Damaruka Priya Rajasagi, Anita Komlodi, Helena Mentis
Paper: Toward Video-Conferencing Tools for Hands-On Activities in Online Teaching
Audrey Labrie, Terrance Mok, Anthony Tang, Michelle Lui, Lora Oehlberg, Lev Poretski
Paper: Understanding the Effects of Structured Note-taking Systems for Video-based Learners in Individual and Social Learning Contexts
Jingchao Fang, Yanhao Wang, Chi-Lan Yang, Ching Liu, Hao-Chuan Wang
12:00 - 12:30
Concluding Remarks
Breaks and Poster Session
Remote Presentations:
Paper: How teams communicate about the quality of ML models: A case study at an international technology company
Jumana Almahmoud, Robert DeLine, Steven M. Drucker
Paper: Duty to Respond: The Challenges Social Service Providers Face When Charged With Keeping Youth Safe Online
Xavier V Caddle, Nurun Naher, Zachary P Miller, Karla Badillo-Urquiola, Pamela Wisniewski
Paper: “I felt a little crazy following a ‘doll’”: Investigating How Virtual Influencers Garner Real Influence
Abhinav Choudhry, Yun Huang, Xiaoyu Xu
Paper: Access Under Duress: Pandemic-Era Lessons on Digital Participation, Control, and Datafication in Civic Engagement
Bonnie Fan, Sarah Fox
Paper: Fostering Communication: Characterizing the Concerns of Former Foster Youth in an Online Community
John Fowler, Mark Zachry, David W. McDonald
Paper: Community acknowledgment: engaging community members in volunteer acknowledgment
Fanlu Gui, Chun-Hua Tsai, John M. Carroll
Paper: Black Lives, Green Books, and Blue Checks: Connecting the Content of the Negro Motorist Green Book to the Conversations on Black Twitter
Shamika Klassen, Sara Kingsley, Kalyn McCall, Joy Weinberg, Casey Fiesler
Paper: Making Community Beliefs and Capacities Visible Through Care-mongering During COVID-19
Tiffany Knearem, Jeongwon Jo, Chun-Hua Tsai, John M. Carroll
Paper: HC-COVID: A Hierarchical Crowdsource Knowledge Graph Approach to Explainable COVID-19 Misinformation Detection
Ziyi Kou, Lanyu Shang, Yang Zhang, Dong Wang
Paper: Processes of Proliferation: Impact Beyond Scaling in Sharing and Collaborative Economies
Airi Lampinen, Ann Light, Chiara Rossitto, Anton Fedosov, Chiara Bassetti, Aniko Bernat, Penny Travlou, Gabriela Avram
Paper: Integrating Real-Time and Non-Real-Time Collaborative Programming: Workflow, Techniques, and Prototypes
Yifan Ma, Batu Qi, Wenhua Xu, Mingjie Wang, Bowen Du, Hongfei Fan
Paper: Bridging Community, History, and Culture in Personal Informatics Tools: Insights from an Existing Community-Based Heart Health Intervention for Black Americans
Aqueasha Martin-Hammond, Tanjala S. Purnell
Note: Studying Up Machine Learning Data: Why Talk About Bias When We Mean Power?
Milagros Miceli, Julian Posada, Tianling Yang
Paper: Exploring norm violations and norm management in collocated synchronous communication
Matti Nelimarkka, Antti Salovaara, Giulio Jacucci
Paper: Does Social Presence of Conversational Agents Increase Perceived Competence? Introducing Conversational Agents Into Advice Giving
Damaris Schmid, Dario Staehelin, Andreas Bucher, Mateusz Dolata, Gerhard Schwabe
Paper: Evaluating the Social Media Profiles of Online Harassers
Sarita Schoenebeck, Yu Yin Shen, Jill Davidson
Note: Auditing Risk Prediction of Long-Term Unemployment
Cathrine F. Seidelin, Therese Moreau, Irina Shklovski, Naja Holten Møller
Paper: Who as a Choice?: Survey-Based Predictors of Volitionality in Facebook Use and Non-use
Patrick Skeba, Devansh Saxena, Shion Guha, Eric P.S. Baumer
Design Fiction: A Patent Application for NEXTGEN Flood Early Warning System
Robert Soden, Nicolas James LaLone, Dharma Dailey
Paper: Exploring Crowdworkers’ Identity, Perception and Practices in Micro-Task Crowdsourcing
Yuling Sun, Xiaojuan Ma, Kai Ye, Liang He
Paper: Distance Matters to Weak Ties: Exploring How Workers Perceive Their Strongly- and Weakly-Connected Collaborators in Remote Workplaces
Chi-Lan Yang, Naomi Yamashita, Hideaki Kuzoka, Hao-Chuan Wang, Eureka Foong
Paper: Analyzing the Effectiveness of an Extensible Virtual Moderator
Aadesh Bagmar, Kevin Hogan, Dalia Shalaby, James Purtilo
Paper: Collaborative behavior and winning challenges in Competitive Software Crowdsourcing
Leticia Santos Machado, Ricardo Rodrigo M. Melo, Cleidson R. B. de Souza, Rafael Prikladnicki
Paper: Can Workplace Tracking Ever Empower? Collective Sensemaking for the Responsible Use of Sensor Data at Work
Naja Holten Møller, Gina Neff, Jakob Simonsen, Jonas Christoffer Villumsen, Pernille Bjørn
Paper: MIA: Motivational Interviewing Agent for Improving Conversational Skills in Remote Group Discussions
Samiha Samrose, Ehsan Hoque
Paper: Investigating the Use of Head Mounted Devices for Remote Cooperation and Guidance during the Treatment of Wounds
Marc Janßen, Michael Prilla
Paper: Situated scaffolding for sustainable participatory design: Learning Online with Older Adults
Katerina Cerna, Claudia Müller, Dave Randall, Martin Hunker
Paper: Tech Worker Perspectives on Considering the Interpersonal Implications of Communication Technologies
Elena Maris, Kelly Wagman, Rachel Bergmann, Danielle Bragg