Call for Submissions GROUP 2022/23

The ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP) is a premier yet intimate and welcoming venue for research on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Sociotechnical Studies, Practice-Centered Computing, Human Computer Interaction, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, and related endeavors. GROUP works to encourages research into broader questions across society and computing, while being truly international and interdisciplinary in organizational structure, as well as in participants.

Due to the pandemic, GROUP 2022 has been postponed to 2023, and will now be GROUP 2022/23. We have already had two waves of submissions (which are published in GROUP volume 5 and GROUP volume 6 of PACM-HCI), and will have a third wave in 2022. As the previous waves, the third wave will undergo a rigorous two-round review process, to guarantee that the accepted submissions comply with the quality standards of a journal submission. Initial submissions that are reviewed positively will be invited to be revised and resubmitted. The third wave submission deadline is May 20, 2022, (abstracts due on May 13, 2022), and accepted submissions will appear in PACM:HCI no later than January 2023. Submissions that are accepted from all three waves will be presented at the conference at Hilton Head Island, SC, January 8-11, 2023. It will be required that at least one author for each paper registers for the conference by the time the camera-ready version of the accepted date is completed.

Key goals for the program are to encourage and facilitate researchers within CSCW, HCI for practice-centered computing, and sociotechnical studies to interact and to present recent research contributions. We also encourage research contributions from interdisciplinary groups to present work that might be difficult to place within one simple category. We are open to diverse and innovative research methods, and to contributions across broad areas such as systems, society, participation, critique, collaboration, and human interaction. GROUP 2022/23 in particular would like to encourage cross-disciplinary research across computing, social science,law, and algorithmic systems design, as well as researchers from industry, academia, government, and other interested groups to participate.

The main technical program at GROUP will welcome submissions in a variety of forms. Traditional Papers report on high quality, rigorous research results. We will also continue the submission category of Design Fictions, which may use a variety of speculative methods to explore the futures towards which technology research and design are working. Finally, we explicitly encourage shorter Notes style submissions, which maintain a high level of quality and rigor while focusing on a more circumscribed result that can be presented succinctly. To help set expectations, authors will have the opportunity to indicate to reviewers that their submission should be reviewed as a paper, a note, and/or as a design fiction. More details about these submission types can be found below.

Papers have no fixed minimum or maximum number of pages. Paper length should be commensurate with contribution, and typical paper submissions are between 8,000 and 10,000 words. Main technical program submissions must be submitted online via the GROUP 2022/23 selection in Precision Conference Systems (PCS).

Conference topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Theoretical, methodological, and/or conceptual contributions about key concepts relevant to CSCW and HCI, including critique.
  • Social, behavioral, and computational studies of collaboration and communication.
  • Technical architectures supporting collaboration.
  • New tools/toolkits for collaborative technologies.
  • Ethnographic studies of collaborative practices.
  • Coordination and workflow technology.
  • Social computing and contexts of collaboration.
  • Current work in, and future visions of, practice-centered computing.
  • Social justice, ethical dimensions, and related issues in CSCW, HCI, and/or sociotechnical systems.
  • Online communities, including issues of privacy, identity, trust, and participation.
  • Cooperative knowledge management.
  • Algorithmic decision-support systems, automation, and human-AI collaboration.
  • Civic technologies and their uses.
  • Organizational issues of technology design, use, or adaptation.
  • Strategies for use of technology in business, government, and newer forms of organizations.
  • The ethical conduct of research studying group work and sociotechnical systems.
  • Emerging technologies and their design, use, or appropriation in work, home, leisure, entertainment, or education.
  • Learning at the workplace (CSCL at work, Technology-Enhanced Learning, TEL).
  • Co-located and geographically-distributed teams, global collaboration.
  • Cultural and cross-cultural collaboration and communication.
  • Mobile and wearable technologies in collaboration.
  • Innovative forms of human computer interaction for cooperative technologies.


In addition to typical papers, authors may submit short, focused Notes style contributions. Notes can be used in many ways, for example: to report the results of a single, well-designed but small experiment or survey; to offer a short but incisive essay or critique; or to develop one theme from a larger qualitative or ethnographic study. The quality of the writing, rigor of the research, and originality of the contribution will be comparable with that of papers, though the scope of the contribution may be more narrowly defined. Thus, Notes are likely to be around 4,000 to 6,000 words in length. Like papers, there is no formal length limit for Notes, but length should be commensurate with contribution. Designating their submission as a Note allows authors to help the program committee calibrate their expectations about the scope and scale of a submission’s contribution.

GROUP also continues the tradition of including Design Fiction as a submission format. Design Fiction submissions should be comprised of two portions: a fictional document related to some aspect of social technology, and an author statement about the document. The fictional document could be an extended abstract, a call for papers, an excerpt from API documentation, a book review, a study protocol for IRB review, a video advertisement, or any other relevant genre. The author statement (corresponding to the more academic part of a submission) should connect that document to current events, describe the origin or genesis of the document, cite on-going research in the field, or otherwise extrapolate how the envisioned future might arise from our given present. This statement should make clear how the fictional document, beyond being an interesting piece of literature, offers a contribution to one of the conference topics.

Important Dates

All dates below are at 23:59 Anywhere on Earth (AoE) - see current AoE time now at

Abstract and Title Submission: May 13, 2022
Submission Deadline: May 20, 2022
1st Round Reviews and Notifications: July 8, 2022
Resubmit Contributions Invited for Revision: August 12, 2022
Resubmit final decisions September 12, 2022
Camera-ready papers due to PCS: September 23, 2022

If you have questions, please contact the conference organizers


Authors submitting a research article, note, or design fiction should use the ACM Small template. Below you can find detailed information depending on whether you use Word, LaTeX, or Overleaf. Please note that all other contributions (workshops, posters, doctoral consortium etc.) use a different template, check their call for participation for further information.

Word authors: Because GROUP papers are published in PACM HCI that uses the Sheridan service, authors need to use the old interim ACM Small template, which is no longer publicized on ACM websites. Depending on your operating system, please use the following links to access the template:

LaTeX authors need to use the template which is available at, and insert the acmsmall call.

Overleaf authors need to use the template at, and use the acmsmall call.


Authors should submit their contributions through Precision Conference System (h Once in the system please choose:

  • Society: Group
  • Conference/Journal: Group 2022
  • Track: Group 2022/23 Third Wave Research Papers

Then click on the button "Go" to access the submission form. In the submission form, authors, title and abstract should be filled out by May, 13th at 23:59 Anywhere on Earth (AoE). The submission must be completed by May 20th with the upload of the manuscript to be revised.


Our hope is that GROUP 2022/23 will be held as an in-person, physical event. However, we recognize the degree of uncertainty that many people currently face, and that some individuals may experience barriers to physical attendance that are insurmountable. We are sensitive to this situation and will be working for people who cannot attend in person due to issues related to the current pandemic scenario will be able to participate at some level, although it is important to have in mind that, in order for a conference the scale of GROUP to remain financially viable, including for publication costs, in-person participation is key. Therefore, for accepted papers, we require that at least one author is registered for the conference; in the event no author can attend, this registration will be refunded less a publication fee, if attendance is cancelled by the cancellation deadline. For more information, please see the GROUP registration FAQ.

Furthermore, amidst our changing societal and professional landscape, we recognize that structural and systemic inequities shape who is and who is not, able to participate in ACM- and SIGCHI-sponsored events. In response, the GROUP 2022/23 organizers are pursuing several concrete steps. These include:

  • Providing variable conference registration fees, based on the UN Human Development Index ( for a participant’s country of residence;
  • Application-based travel grants for attendees whose financial situation would otherwise prevent them from attending;
  • Providing proofreading services to authors whose native language is not English, and/or whose core academic community lies outside SIGCHI;
  • Organizing voluntary participant sharing of ground transportation and/or lodging in Hilton Head Island.

Further details about each of these efforts will be made available on the GROUP 2022/23 website.

General Chairs:

Casey L. Fiesler, University of Colorado, Boulder
Aparecido Fabiano Pinatti de Carvalho, University of Siegen

2023 Technical Program Chairs:

Jessica A. Pater, Parkview Research Center
Raquel Oliveira Prates, Federal University of Minas Gerais


Chairs Note on Venue

Workshops CFP

Demos, Posters and Lightning Talks CFP

Doctoral Consortium CFP

Call For Participation

Submission Instructions

Accessibility FAQ

Registration FAQ


All deadlines below are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth (AoE).

September 12, 2022:
Resubmit Final Decisions

September 23, 2022:
Camera-Ready Papers Due to PCS

August 12, 2022:
Resubmit Contributions Invited for Revision

Additional CFPs

September 23, 2022:
Workshop Proposals Deadline

September 30, 2022:
Poster and Demos Deadline