Workshop Call for Participation
Workshops provide an informal and focused environment for information exchange and discussion. GROUP 2022/23 offers half or full day workshops on any GROUP-related topic. GROUP is broadening its view of what a workshop can entail, encouraging innovative and reimagined workshop formats that don’t fall into traditional categories. Examples could include an extended lecture/discussion or series of talks, structured exercises or activities, a semi-structured or informal work/discussion session, or a tutorial or short course--and other ideas are possible as well. Workshops can build on themes from GROUP papers or paper sessions, workshops at previous GROUP conferences, or workshops or events at other venues. The Workshop Co-chairs strongly encourage anyone interested in organizing a workshop to send ideas or draft materials in advance of preparing a formal submission.
It is our expectation that GROUP workshops will be held on site and in person, but it is possible that some or all of those interested in a topic may not be able to physically attend due to travel restrictions. Please indicate in your submission whether your workshop requires in-person participation, or whether there is a possibility for remote and/or asynchronous participation for your workshop for participants who cannot attend due to official travel restrictions.
Workshop proposals should include a link to a draft web site and/or central social media entity and an archival writeup. The writeup should include a title, abstract (max 150 words), description of the workshop theme, aim, goals, activities, names and backgrounds of the organizers, and targeted workshop outcomes.
Workshops submission information:
Submissions should include an archival writeup no longer than 4 pages, including all figures and references, that includes a link to the workshop web or social media presence. The writeup will be archived and should include immutable elements of the workshop, while the online presence should include the fluid and changing elements of the workshop. The writeup should be in the single-column ACM Master Article Submission Template. Authors can use their preferred platform to prepare their document, though LaTeX/Overleaf tends to generate the fewest errors. Authors can use the following links to find their preferred template file:
- Microsoft Word (docx)
- LaTeX zip file (Use sample-manuscript.tex for submissions)
- Overleaf (or search for ACM Conference Proceedings "Master" Template)
The writeup should include all organizer names and affiliations - these are not anonymous submissions. Authors of accepted workshops will have their extended abstract published as part of the conference companion which will be available in the ACM Digital Library.
Workshops for GROUP 2022/23 will be submitted using the Precision Conference System 2.0 found at To submit, make a new submission to "SIGCHI" > "Group 2022/23" > "Group 2022/23 Workshops". Authors submitting papers for peer-review to ACM publications must comply with the SIGCHI Submission and Review Policy. Contributions will be selected through single-blind peer review. Our review process will be based on quality, originality, and an ability to appeal to a broad collection of GROUP attendees.
Important Dates:
- Workshop proposal deadline: 23 September 2022
- Notification of acceptance: 30 September 2022
- Camera-ready and rights review form deadline: 7 October 2022
- Proof review deadline: 10 October 2022
- Suggested Workshop submissions deadline: 15 November 2022 (To be set by the workshop organizers)
- Workshops in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA: 8 January 2023
- Conference in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA: 8-11 January 2023
For queries about workshop proposal, please contact the Workshop co-chairs Scott McCrickard and Sukeshini Grandhi at [email protected] Queries about specific workshops (e.g., submission requirements, workshop format, remote participation, deadlines, extensions) should be directed to the workshop organizers.
Demos, Posters and Lightning Talks CFP
All deadlines below are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth (AoE). September 12, 2022:
Resubmit Final Decisions
September 23, 2022:
Camera-Ready Papers Due to PCS
August 12, 2022:
Resubmit Contributions Invited for Revision
Additional CFPs
September 23, 2022:
Workshop Proposals Deadline
September 30, 2022:
Poster and Demos Deadline