8.30 - 10.00 |
b) Collaborative Spaces |
b) Integrative Environments |
b) Research Tools and Methods |
b) Experiences with Collaborative Environments |
b) Case Studies |
Knowledge Management |
b) Video Support |
b) Conferencing Applications |
b) Enhancing Communication |
1a: Supporting Intergroup Working
Chair: Mark
Ackerman (University of California, Irvine)
Merging Multiple Perspectives in Groupware Use: Intra- and Intergroup
Gloria Mark (GMD-FIT)
Fostering Interdepartmental Knowledge Communication Through Groupware:
A Process Improvement Perspective
Ned Kock (Temple University)
CEVA: A Tool For Collaborative Video Analysis
Andy Cockkburn,
Tony Dale (University of Canterbury)
A First Step to Formally Evaluate Collaborative Work
Ricard Baeza-Yates, Jose
Pino (Universidad de Chile)
Informing The Design Of Collaborative Virtual Environments
Steve Benford, Dave Snowdon
(University of Nottingham)
Andy Colebourne, Jon O'Brien, Tom Rodden (Lancaster University)
Virtual Classrooms And Communities
Lisa Neal (EDS)
Locating The Scene: The Particular And The General In Contexts For
Ambulance Control
John McCarthy (University
of College Cork)
Peter C. Wright (University of York)
Patrick Healey (University of College Cork)
Andrew Dearden (University of York)
Michael D. Harrison (University of York)
Internal Information Brokering And Patterns Of Usage On Corporate
Claire M. Vishik (Schlumberger
Telework Under The Coordination Of A Distributed Workflow Management
Wilhelm Dangelmaier,
Stephan Kress, Ruediger Wenski (University of Paderborn)
Of Maps And Scripts - The Status Of Formal Constructs In Cooperative
Kjeld Schmidt (Riso
National Laboratory)
Toward Knowledge Management Systems In The Legal Domain
Deborah Edwards (TechWrite Inc.)
Dirk Mahling (University
of Pittsburgh)
The CDT mStar Environment: Distributed Collaborative Group Work In
Peter Parnes, Mattias
Mattsson, Kare Synnes, Dick Schefstrom (Lulea University of Technology)
4a: Collaborative Spaces
Chair: Dirk
Mahling (University of Pittsburgh)
Collaborative Workspaces For Time Deferred Electronic Cooperation
Uta Pankoke-Babatz, Anja
Syri (GMD-FIT)
Collaborative Virtual Workspace
Peter J. Spellman, Jane N.
Mosier, Lucy M. Deus, Jay A. Carlson (MITRE Co.)
A Web Based Enterprise Workflow System
Charles Ames, Scott
Burleigh, Stephen Mitchell (California Institute of Technology)
Automated Process Support For Organizational And Personal Processes
Kevin Gary, Tim Lindquist, Harry
Koehnemann, Ly Sauer (Arizona State University)
Evolving Orbit: A Progress Report On Building Locales
Tim Mansfield, Simon
Kaplan, Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Ted Phelps, Mark Fitzpatrick, Richard Taylor,
Bill Segall, Charles Herring, Phillip Johnson, Andrew Berry (University
of Queensland)
I Love The System - I Just Don't Use It!
Jakob E. Bardram (University
of Aarhus)
Enhancing Workflows By Web Technology
Wolfgang Grather, Wolfgang
Prinz, Sabine Kolvenbach (GMD-FIT)
Integrating Synchronous Multimedia Collaboration Into Workflow Management
Michael Weber,
Gerhard Partsch, Seigfried Hock (University of Ulm)
Georg Schnieder (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence)
Astrid Scheller-Houy, Jean Schweitzer (Siemens Corporate Research)
WorkWeb System - Multi-Workflow Management With A Multi-Agent System
Hiroyuki Tarumi (Kyoto
Koji Kida, Yoshihide Ishiguro, Kenji Yoshifu, Takayoshi Asakura
(NEC Co.)
Flexible Specfication Of Workflow Compensation Scopes
Weimen Du, Jim Davis, Ming-Chien
Shan (HP Labs)
An Experimental System For Transactional Messaging
Allen Milewski, Thomas
Smith (AT&T Labs)
Report on the Workshop "Tailorable Groupware: Issues, Methods, and
Anders Mørch (University of Bergen)
Oliver Stiemerling, Volker Wulf (University of Bonn)
7a: Integrative Environments
Chair: Giorgio
de Michelis (University of Milano)
Flexible Support For Business Processes: Extending Cooperative Hypermedia
With Process Support
Jorg Haake, Weigang
Developing The Cooperative Mission Development Environment
Christopher Rouff
(Goddard Space Flight Center)
Mary Ann Robbert (Bentley College)
Valentine: An Environment For Home Office Worker Providing Informal
Communication And Personal Space
Shinkuro Honda, Hironari
Tomioka, Takaaki Kimura, Takaharu Ohsawa, Kenichi Okada, Yutaka Matsushita
(Keio University)
SISCO : Providing A Cooperation Filter For A Shared Information Space
John Mariani (Lancaster
MEDIATE: Video As First-Order Datatype
Steinar Kristoffersen (Norwegian
Computing Centre)
Integration Of Face-To-Face And Video-Mediated Meetings: Hermes
Tomoo Inoue, Ken-ichi
Okada, Yutaka Matsushita (Keio University)
A Generic Operation Transformation Scheme For Consistency Maintenance
In Real-Time Cooperative Editing Systems
Chengzhen Sun (Griffith University)
Xiahua Jia (City University of Hong Kong)
Yanchun Zhang (University of Southern Queensland)
Yun Yang (Deaking University)
Serialization Of Concurrent Operations In A Distributed Collaborative
Maher Suleiman, Michele Cart,
Jean Ferrie (University of Montepellier II)