International Conference on Supporting Group Work

November 14-17, 1999
Phoenix, Arizona, USA

All submissions are due to arrive:
May 1, 1999
Notification of acceptance:
July 15,1999
Camera ready paper due:
Aug. 30, 1999
Conference dates:
Nov. 14-17, 1999

GROUP ‘99 provides a forum for researchers and practitioners who are interested in topics related to computer-based systems which have an impact on groups, organizations and social networks. Relevant issues include design, implementation, deployment, evaluation, methodologies, and effect of these systems.

In the last few years, the functionality and applicability of systems for supporting group work has expanded, leading to their growing application to organizational information, communication, and cooperation processes.  This provides opportunities to study their technical and social impacts.  Often the integration of new technology with existing or new organizational practices is very challenging. The knowledge gained from such experiences is a valuable resource for all those who plan to, or have integrated computer-based tools for the support of group interaction. At the same time we observe a growing influence of the Internet, mobile computing, agent systems, ubiquitous computing, and virtual reality. We can expect that these new technologies will also exert a large influence on group/organizational structures and processes. These new technologies are exciting in their own right, but their technological and organizational integration to support groups raises many interesting questions and is a challenging new research agenda.

GROUP '99 attempts to integrate two themes of research: the organizational and behavioral issues and the modeling or implementation issues associated with group work.  GROUP'99 brings together researchers and practitioners from different areas working on the development, introduction, management, deployment, and analysis of computer-based systems supporting group work within organizations. We particularly encourage submissions and participation from industry.

This conference will be a little different than the last conferences.  We intend to have a high-speed connection to the Internet and try to network the conference rooms with connections for almost every attendee.  If you bring your ethernet connectable laptop (10/100Mb), we will provide a connection.  We anticipate having some local servers available so that presenters can demonstrate any systems they might have and allow attendees to use those systems both during and after presentations.

Social Impacts Issues:

Technical Implementation Issues:

GROUP '99 is sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery and the Special Interest Group on Supporting Group Work (SIGGROUP). For membership information call +1 212-626-0500, email to [email protected].

It is our aim to provide a stimulating environment to present, meet, and discuss current research and achievements for supporting group work.

Submission categories


Paper submission on original research or industrial papers on any of the conference topics are invited.  Research papers should make clear the novel aspects of the work they present, and their contribution to the development of system for supporting groups, organizations or social networks.  Industrial papers should describe technical or key business issues in applying group technology.  All accepted papers will be published in the ACM Press conference proceedings.

Each submission should have a cover page containing: title, authors, postal and electronic addresses of the contact author.  Papers should not exceed 10 pages (2 columns, single spaces, 10pt Times Roman).  We anticipate using a web-based review system – please look at the web site for details in the spring.


Workshops provide a informal and focussed environment for the information exchange and discussion of Group related topics. A workshop proposal should contain a title, aim and objective, intended participants, description of the proposers.  Furthermore specify the maximum number of participants, duration (half-day/full-day) and the technical equipment needed.  Workshop organizers are requested to provide a short presentation on the discussions and outcome of their workshop in a special session of the conference.  Workshops will take place on Nov. 14th.

Please send your proposal (max 3 pages) by email to Simon Kaplan: [email protected].  Deadline for the submission is May 1st, 1999.


The tutorial program will offer the opportunity to learn about concepts, methods, systems, and techniques for specific aspects of supporting group work. Experts on any field of the conference scope are encouraged to submit a tutorial proposal.  The proposal should contain a title, aim and objectives, content outline, intended audience and description of the qualification and expertise of the instructors.  Furthermore specify the maximum number of participants, duration (half-day, full-day) and the technical equipment needed.  Tutorials will take place on Nov. 14th.

Please send your proposal (max 3 pages) by email to Simon Kaplan: [email protected].  Deadline for the submission is May 1st, 1999.


The aim of panels is to stimulate thought and discussion about ideas and issues of interest supporting group work. Ideally panels focus on controversial or emerging issues and they are designed to bring out a range of viewpoints on the topic through the medium of informed debate.  The panel proposal should contain a title, list of all panel members, including affiliation and address, description, format of the panel, and a compilation of the position statements.

Please send your proposal (max 5 pages) by email to Giorgio De Michelis: [email protected].  Deadline for the submission is May 1st, 1999.

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